Sunday, July 09, 2006

Greek Gastronomy


  • ½ kilo strained yogurt
  • 1 cucumber very finely grated and dehydrated by putting in strainer and pressing with paper towel
  • 2 garlic cloves very finely grated,
  • 2 tbsp olive oil,
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • Salt and peeper

Pound the garlic in a mortar and put salt and pepper on it. Mix the oil and the vinegar and pour it in the mortar.

Put the yogurt in a bowl and mix it with the oil and vinegar mixture. Add the the cucumber and stir well.

Serve it chilled

Tzatziki is a very famous dip especially in the summer

Greek Gastronomy

Roast chicken with potatoes

1 chicken

2 lemons

Salt and pepper


A little orange juice

Wash the chicken very well and rub it with the lemon, salt and pepper. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them in long pieces. Pour the orange juice over the potatoes. Put the chicken and the potatoes in a baking pan and cook it in the oven for one hour.

Greek Gastronomy


½ kilo minced beef
gr onions, peeled and sliced
cloves garlic, chopped
medium aubergines, cut into rounds about 1cm) thick
tablespoons tomato puree
75ml) wine (red or white)
teaspoon ground cinnamon

Salt and freshly-milled black pepper

For the topping

75 gr plain flour

75 gr butter1 pint milk
Parmesan cheese, grated
2 eggs
Salt, pepper and freshly-grated nutmeg

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
First of all prepare the aubergines. They should be sliced and
packed into a colander, then sprinkled with salt. Then place a plate on top of them and a heavy weight on top of that, and leave them for half an hour. This is to drain off some of their excess moisture. Meanwhile fry the onions and chopped garlic in some oil (preferably olive oil) for about 5 minutes, then add the minced meat to the pan to brownstirring it to break up any lumps. In a basin mix together the tomato puree, wine, cinnamon and parsley, season it all with salt and pepper, then pour the mixture over the onions and meat when it has browned. Stir well, and leave on a gentle heat to simmer quietly.

Now back to the aubergines: heat some olive oil in another frying-pan, dry the aubergine slices in kitchen paper, then fry each one to a golden-brown on both sides. When they are browned leave them on kitchen paper to drain. When the aubergines are done, take a casserole and arrange some of them in it. Spread part of the meat mixture on top, followed by another layer of aubergines..

Next make up the topping for the moussaka. Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the flour until smooth, then add the milk gradually, stirring vigorously with each addition until you have a smooth white sauce. Next stir in the grated cheese, followed by a seasoning of salt, pepper and freshly-grated nutmeg. Allow the sauce to cool, then whisk up the 2 eggs, first on their own and then into the sauce. Pour the sauce over the meat and aubergines, then bake (uncovered) for an hour until the top is flufiy-golden.